Oscar the Grouch

I like Oscar the Grouch, but...

If you knew me, you'd know what a grouch I can be sometimes. I like to make my opinion be known, and that can come across as complaining quite a bit. See what I have to whine about today, and you'll soon know what I mean. If you don't care to read this, then SCRAM! If you're just like me, read below, and then send in your own complaints about life! Enjoy!

Today's Complaints (most recent are at the bottom):

*I really hate talking on the phone. It's like I have a totally different personality, and I feel like an idiot! I can't even think straight! Needless to say, I don't enjoy calling anybody unless I absolutely have to. (And that's not very often.)

*Being organized sucks. I mean, some people are just plain compulsive! (Blue socks here, white shirts there...) Personally, I like making order out of chaos. My room may look like a dump compared to other people's rooms (And it's not that bad.), but I can find everything just the same, from papers to clothes (Which yes, are always clean.), and even things I've borrowed! I am not ashamed of my mess at all! In fact, it's easier for me to have things out where I can see them, rather than having them put away all neat...I don't have to search as much!

*I cannot stand people who eat like cows. They eat like there's no tomorrow, and they add these nasty sound effects while doing so! (My brother does this; I can't even be on the same floor as him during mealtime!) Did they not learn about chewing with their mouth closed? And don't ever talk with your mouth full! I don't like seeing the food other than how it looks on the platter. So please, people, make like a train and chew chew chew!!!

*I hate it when people use really ugly wallpaper on their Web pages. (I.E. Checker designs, colors that blend in with the text so I can't read it, etc.) Do they not want people to come back to their site or what?

*It angers me something fierce when my modem quits working during a file transfer...and it won't let me reconnect until it feels like it!

*I hate it when I go to watch an episode of a T.V. show I don't watch very often, and the same episode I've seen every other time is airing again! ( Needless to say I don't go back to watching that show ever again. )

*I strongly dislike any piece of junk mail with the words, in big letters, may I add, 'You've already won $10,000,000' or 'You're guaranteed to win a huge prize of at least $1,000,000' on it. (If I've already won it, then where is it? And how could I have spent it all that fast?)

Scrolling text makes me ill! Don't use it on your web pages!!! ********** Are you actually gonna sit there and read all this all over again? Get a life!!!

*I hate it when people claim to have 'updated' their site's pages (so then you'll go there to do no more than make their Web counter feel useful), but they really haven't in a long time!

*It annoys me when a good, close friend says I look just fine when I ask them how I look today, but then later on some stranger walks up to me and lets me know my makeup looks awfully smeared, or tells me I've got my skirt tucked into my nylons, or I've got a big wad of T.P. hanging onto my shoe. (Such honesty from the ones we respect...)

*I hate Sundays and Mondays. Who decided to make the beginning of the week 'functional' days, anyway? (Certainly not a woman!) Need I say more?

*I can't even begin to stand ANY political debate, speech, or announcement that pre-empts quality TV time. (Like we have a say in any of their ramblings, even if we DO vote!)

*Bah Humbug! Christmas isn't much fun anymore! It's such a stressful time of year, and it comes way too fast! Call me a crab, but I've lost my interest in the whole idea of it. (Except the Religious aspect of it.) :@<

*I hate it when my 'Online Service' (like MSN, AOL, etc.) has a constant busy signal (and not just at peak hours, always)! What's the point of paying for a non-functional (or little functional) service that's supposed to be convenient to the customer? I understand people wanting to sue very much now...HMM, I guess you get what you pay for! :0 P

*I get very annoyed when a significant event (i.e. lunar eclipse, comet appearance) is supposedly wowing people around the World, yet when I look out my own window, all I see is a bunch of haze, clouds, or my favorite (NOT) rain! How can it be all that important if the people interested in it can't even take a little peek at it?

*I hate New Years! Who asked me if I wanted to remember to write down a new year on my checks? I mean, by the time I remember, it'll just be another year anyway...

*I really hate it when someone (usually me) is up in the middle of the night, trying to make as little noise as possible, and in doing so, actually ends up making even more noise than they would have normally!

*Do people ever sit and watch you eat when they aren't (and they look at you like they want your grub and then some), and/or look over your shoulder when you are trying to *privately* chat, read E-mail, or just Web surf? God I hate that! Do your friends a favor...DON'T DO IT!

scram to top!

What's YOUR problem? Huh?

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Chieftess of Complaints: Jill M. Sheehan
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