Other Pictures

While pictures on this page could probably be categorized at some point, I decided to put them here. One day I'll leave this page for candid shots that aren't related to any one subject.

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Toni's Autograph, as scanned from a script cover.*

(WARNING: Nobody steal or attempt Forgery with her signature - or I will send someone after you! *SNARLS*)

*I do not actually own/have possession of the script this came from, so please don't ask about it.


Toni appeared with the former cast of "Up Against It" along with Todd Rundgren for a Benefit at Joe's Pub on April 24, 2004. Here's a few pictures from that event.**

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It's a very dark shot, but Toni can be seen on the right.

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That's Toni sitting and reading something. (Music or liner notes, perhaps?)

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Need I point out that Toni is the one in the middle singing on stage?
(I believe that's Todd Rundgren to her left - but don't quote me.)

**Pictures obtained from the Todd Rundgren Connection Website. More pictures and reviews can be found there.

Have any additional miscellaneous pictures to send on? Feel free to share! Thanks. :@ )

(General Photo Source Credits Listed on Main Pictures Page.)