Season Three Pics
If you know the exact
order these episodes go in (I don't have the numbers on hand), let me know! Also let me
know if I've got any under the wrong ep/Season. Thanks! And remember, if you have anything
to send on, I appreciate any and all submissions! And if you are interested in seeing a
few more pics from the "Masked Avenger" ep, check out my Steven Marcus fan page.
:@ D
Case of the Ersatz Earthquake'
lunchin.jpg 12/10/96 George giving his unique demonstration on
earthquakes to Kate.
quakedance.jpg 09/14/98 George doing his little 'quake dance'!#
bighair.jpg 09/14/98 Kate and Rosa...queens of the 'Big 80's' hair!#
ee55.jpg 09/14/98 Look who's going to NYC!#
ee23.jpg 09/16/98 It's Ms. Devine!#
ee38.jpg 12/16/98 George is looking into the future...#
ee50.jpg 12/16/98 Who could these two be???#
ee24.jpg 10/08/99 Wow. The building's shaking?!?!#
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Case of the Swami Scam'
formalkg.jpg 07/27/97 Kate and George are dressed to impress.
swami01.jpg 08/01/97 'Georgina' and Kate undercover.
funfur.jpg 09/14/98 Kate likes George's 'phoney fun fur'!#
hesacop.jpg 10/08/99 Whoa. These two were 'maid' for each other!
pencilfordalady.jpg 12/07/99 Pencil for the Lady, Mister?
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Case of the Parking Meter Massacre'
kateax.jpg 10/04/97 Watch it, Kate!#
kgprkmtr.jpg 02/24/98 Looks like they've solved
another one...or have they?#
benny1.jpg 06/30/98 Benny Pill, undercover cop
pmm9.jpg 08/24/98 George and the news reporter at
George's apartment.#
pmm16.jpg 08/24/98 Peter Pickwick...Peter Pickwick...#
pmm36.jpg 08/24/98 Barney Oldmeal fessing it all up.#
geomadethepaper.jpg 10/08/99 George, the
itsfrankmeriwell.jpg 10/08/99 Kate on the
phone with 'Frank'. (Taking down his number, at that.)
40whacks.jpg 10/08/99 Liza Borden explains what
she saw. ("He gave his meter 40 whacks...")
geosplace.jpg 01/30/2001 Kate and George in his
spiffy, though just burgled, apartment.
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Case of the Unkidnapping'
fivin.jpg 10/20/96 Kate and George high-fivin'.
sgtabruzzi.jpg 08/01/97 Sgt. Abruzzi bidding Kate goodbye.
monday.jpg 08/01/97 Kate likes Sgt. Abruzzi!
confrontlb.jpg 09/27/97 Lauren being confronted on stage!
ktgrg.jpg 10/04/97 Kate and George laying it on thick for Lauren.#
eveadams.jpg 10/04/97 The shiny Broadway star...Eve Adams!#
necklace.jpg 10/08/99 It's that infamous necklace of Lauren's!#
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Case of the Strategic Weather Initiative'
slicker.jpg 10/02/97 Kate and George (in his nifty
slicker) introducing themselves.
swi29.jpg 08/25/98 George and Kate as the Potentate
and the Potentatette.#
swi11.jpg 12/07/99 Hmm, the plane's got a giant hair
on it....!?!?!#
nomom.jpg 12/07/99 "No thanks, Mom!"#
swi13.jpg 01/30/2001 Hrm, Kate and George found what
they saw strange indeed.#
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Case of the Masked Avenger'
avenger.jpg 06/30/98 The Masked Avenger in the
pain.jpg 06/30/98 Uh, oh! George seems to be hurtin'
purdy bad!#
ma57.jpg 12/16/98 Ta da! It's the Masked
Avenger...okay so it's just George.#
ma66.jpg 12/16/98 Benny empathizes with poor Georgey.#
ma73.jpg 12/16/98 Ow! Tell Kate it hurts, George!
She'll kiss it!#
ma58.jpg 05/14/99 George would like to know where his
Mommy is.#
masked1.jpg 10/08/99 Wow George, look at how small
those ants are!
ma67.jpg 10/08/99 The Masked Avenger...times two?#
ma69.jpg 10/08/99 Dr. Snooze gets a taste of his own
ma72.jpg 03/12/2000 Yep, George needed some patchin'
up, all right.#
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