*CLICK CLICK* "Would you stop that?" (Remember which ep that comes from? HINT: Mooney Rooney)

These pictures come from amateur photographers (like me), scans, bookcovers, and even from CTW! Use 'em as wallpaper, or print them into posters! Go wild! (Share as you please...but do credit the hard work I've put into editing them to me, or whoever took them. Thanks!)

-All photos edited with Paint Shop Pro 7.0, MS Image Composer, and Adobe PhotoDeluxe. Most were taken with a Snappy.-

*The pictures are now categorized by the Episodes they're taken from and/or from the source they were obtained. They are in the order of the Episode Guide (based on the Eps I have pics from), and are also sorted by the date I uploaded them.*

Every Mathnet episode (that would be 30 total) has at least one pic up for it now! Yay! Thanks to everyone who has contributed! :@ ) BTW, if anyone has pics for any ep below with 3 or less files listed, feel free to send some on! Thank ye!

THANKS! Yay! The 'mystery pics' case has been solved! Thank you Heather and Gayle! I'd be lost without you guys! Oh and remember, if I've miscredited your submissions or made a boo-boo, please let me know!

*Hey! You wanna see some awesome FanArt? Go to Heather's page!*

NOTE: Since this page previously took so long to load, I've now given each Season their own page. The 'non-seasoned' pics are on this page still, however. Hope this helps! (I know it helps me out a lot!)

If you know which Season the Episode you are looking for is from, try this:

Season 1 / Season 2 / Season 3 / Season 4 / Season 5

Taken by CTW photographers/CTW merchandise:

phoner.jpg 10/21/96 A rad pic of Pat and George taken from a bookcover sent to me by CTW.

dmb.jpg 08/14/97 A 'Despair in Monterey Bay' TV Guide ad.#

gs.jpg 08/14/97 A 'Galling Stones' TV Guide ad.#

exhibita.jpg 08/14/97 A close-up of the 'Galling Stones' ad.#

mntery.jpg 08/14/97 A close-up of the 'Despair in Monterey Bay' ad.#

baubles.jpg 08/14/97 A pic of George from TV Guide.#

kandgcover.jpg 06/30/98 An ad for Mathnet videos featuring Kate and George.+

geokatebk.jpg 12/16/98 A small pic from a Kate/George Mathnet Casebook.

patgeobk.jpg 12/16/98 Same as above, except with Pat and George.

mnetbutton.jpg 12/16/98 A logo button I got from CTW years ago (no, it isn't THAT BIG).

thecoatsarecoming.jpg 12/07/99 I always wanted this coat! Anyone got one for me?

mathnetcardfront.jpg 03/12/2000 The front of the 'magic card' that comes with the 'Unnatural' video (mine doesn't have one...*POUT*)+

mathnetcardback.jpg 03/12/2000 And this would be the back of the card.+

joebevmnet.jpg 04/16/2000 A color postcard of Kate and George.%

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Misc. video footage/pictures:

bookie.jpg 04/30/96 A hand-drawn Mathnet logo taken from a bookcover.

mathnetcomplete.jpg 08/01/97 Ali Ammar, (a fellow fan who lives in Monterey, CA), and his sister got to meet the 'Monterey Bay' cast. Lucky! (Thanks for the photo!)@

kgopeng.jpg 08/19/97 Kate and George...LAPD's finest!

logoscr.jpg 09/28/97 Closing screen from Mathnet.$

square1.jpg 09/28/97 Square One logo from 'classic' closing screens.$

newsq1.jpg 06/30/98 The 'new' Square One closing screen logo.

kgpromo4.jpg 10/04/98 George and Kate promoting our beloved show!#

pgad8.jpg 10/04/98 Pat and George want you to give to your local PBS station.#

danyers.jpg 12/07/99 Pat and George...the heroes of the NYPD!

carmen5.jpg 03/12/2000 Pat and George doing a cameo appearance on 'Carmen Sandiego'.

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The 'Mystery Pics' - Where do they belong?


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Guide to the Magical Symbols!

@Submitted by Ali Ammar.

#Submitted by Gayle Gregory.

%Submitted by Beverly Leech (Kate!)

+Submitted by Mathnet Boy.

$Submitted by the Mattster.

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You got some too? Can I have 'em?

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